Regular Prices
30 minutes: $60.
60 minutes:$120.
Past Life, Akashic Records & Chakra Clearing & Balancing sessions are 1 hour and 20 minutes for $150. Prema Lia is not a medical intuitive.
Office (Land line no text): 425-968-5097
We accept all major credit cards.
Prema Lia is a Clairvoyant, (sees) Clairaudient, (hears) and Clairsentient (feels) teacher who helps individuals open up to their unique inner self as a Soul Being of light and love. Additionally, she is a Medium and can communicate with your loved ones on the other side, your Angelic helpers and Guides who are waiting to speak with you.
Combining all of these abilities, Prema Lia assists people who want to grow spiritually so they can move forward with peace and confidence in their life.
If you are interested in a life changing experience call Prema Lia about the variety of services she offers either over the phone, in person or at the next workshop.
To read about my new classes see the Soul Empowerment workshop tab on the left.
Many blessings,
Prema Lia Thompson
See These Amazing Books Written By Prema Lia!
Click on a book cover below to read more:
The True Love of Aphrodite and Hercules: And the loving guidance of their Native American animal spirits that brought them together
Home is in Your Heart and Dancing With Mother Earth
are being revised and coming soon!
Call or email to get on the waiting list for these books.
A portion of the proceeds will go to Inspire Every Child, a non-profit foundation dedicated to providing inspirational books to children in need.
© Prema Lia, 2014. All rights reserved.
Special Discount for Students
Half-hour session = $35
One-hour session = $65
Package of Five One-Hour Sessions = $400
Specials Discount For Your First Reading
A $1.00 a minute reading with a 30 minute minimum.